Welcome to AIFD

Where Fashion Meets Excellence

About AIFD

The amethyst international of fashion design is a pioneering school that aims to cater to budding fashion designers to achieve their dream of being a part of the roaring fashion industry. Amethyst international of fashion design offers a premium boutique education experience.

The curriculum is designed to provide first-hand industry knowledge from industry leaders and global mentors. AIFD promises in depth skill development to produce top fashion designers.

Amethyst Stone

Our Inspiration story

Our school's logo is inspired by the amethyst stone, which undergoes an intricate and polishing process before it becomes a precious gem. Similarly, we see it as our responsibility to refine and polish each student until they shine with the same brilliance, prepared to make their mark in the world like a precious amethyst.

What we believe

Design inspiration is everywhere
Everybody is CREATIVE

As innovators in the field of fashion education, AIFD is committed to enhancing each student's unique knowledge and instilling them with well-honed skills inspired by originality, invention and creativity so they can become the fashion leaders they were born to be.